Services For Job Seekers

Capital Area Staffing Solutions, Inc., is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants are considered for positions without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws. Furthermore, we will closely guard any and all applicant information provided to us, and we will never forward your resume to any company without first obtaining your permission.

Regardless of where we send you, you are a Field Employee of Capital Area Staffing Solutions, Inc. ("CASS"). You will fill out our timecards, and we will cut your paychecks. CASS is your "Employer of record."

We not only focus on our clients' needs, but also on yours – we want to be sure your position is a "good fit" for both you and the client. Communication will be the key to our relationship.

The Benefits Of Working For CASS

  • We will offer you professional assistance with your job search.
  • For your protection, you will only interview with companies that have been researched and visited personally by a member of our Staff.
  • You will learn about the Area’s best companies and job opportunities before you accept full time employment.
  • We will assure confidentiality.
  • We will never send out your resume before communicating with you first. You can choose your own hours, industry, size of the company, dress code, etc., based on the assignments we have available.
  • We will only send you out for openings for which you are qualified and interested.
  • We offer a mid-week payday, and direct deposit!
  • We offer short-term assignments for extra income.
  • We offer contract-to-hire assignments for those looking for a bridge to permanent employment.
  • Direct hire services are also available.

Application Process

  1. Submit resume via email, as a Microsoft Word document. We have a sample resume available for you to use as a starting point. Sample Resume - Microsoft Word Format
  2. CASS will contact you (typically through an email) acknowledging receipt of your resume and to further explain our application process.
  3. If it is determined we can assist you with your job search, we then ask you to complete a series of online assessments. These assessments can be taken at any computer with online access. Click here for more information.
  4. Once you have completed the testing, we ask that you contact us to schedule your interview. When you arrive at our offices, you will be asked to complete some paperwork. After the interview, we will check at least two of your employment references. If they are satisfactory, you will become active in our database.

Recommendations & Tips

Before The Interview

Make sure you know in advance the name and title of the person or persons who will be conducting your interview.

Research the company, and be prepared to ask questions about the job, the desired qualities, and the challenges.

Make sure you know the exact location of the interview. If unsure, make it a point to drive to the location a day or two before the interview.

Always dress your best!

  • Conservative, clean, and pressed business suit
  • Clothing should fit properly - neither too tight, too loose, or too revealing
  • Clean, polished conservative shoes
  • Well-groomed hairstyle
  • Clean, trimmed fingernails
  • Minimal cologne or perfume
  • Minimal use of makeup
  • No visible body piercing (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.) or tattoos
  • Empty pockets--no bulges or tinkling coins
  • No gum, candy or cigarettes
  • Light briefcase or portfolio case
  • Again - be conservative, and err on the side of caution. It is better to overdress than under-dress.

Turn off your cell phone or pager BEFORE entering the building.

Arrive at least 10 minutes before your interview. This will give you time to fill out any forms or applications that might be required. DO NOT complain or offer suggestions to the company regarding their paperwork process. Do not assume that whoever greets you is the receptionist, and remember to be pleasant and polite to all those you encounter. As the saying goes… you will not get another chance to make a good first impression.

Do not bring uninvited guests like pets, children or significant others.

Smile, make eye contact, and give a firm, pleasant handshake to each interviewer. Address each interviewer by name as he or she is introduced.

During The Interview

Read the mood. If the interviewer is formal, then you probably should be, too. If the interviewer is casual, then follow along while remaining courteous and professional.

Do not invade the interviewer's personal space by placing your personal items (purse, briefcase, etc.) on his or her desk. Do not lean on the interviewer's desk.

Speak clearly, using appropriate verbiage. Avoid slang, and use technical terms only when appropriate to the question.

Interviewers might like to know how you felt about a particular success. Some will ask for specific examples of things you've done that you're particularly proud of: how you solved problems, how you learned - and improved - from difficult situations. Be prepared to share.

Do not criticize or "bad-mouth" previous employers. Be honest but tactful and diplomatic regarding your reasons for leaving prior positions.

After The Interview

Shake each interviewer's hand and thank each interviewer by name.

Send a thank you note as soon after the interview as possible.

Be patient. It is not unusual for interviewers to take weeks to narrow the competition. However, if you do not hear from them within 24 hours or so after they said you'd hear from them, it is perfectly fine to send a follow up letter. Do not call without permission. Interviewers might consider it rude of applicants to interrupt their workday with unsolicited calls. One follow-up letter per interviewer is sufficient. It doesn't hurt to make sure your candidacy didn't fall through the corporate cracks. It also shows that you really want the job and are eager to start.